
Pam Fracareta:


Tim Kenney


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A journal of today's events-7-21-09

A recap of today's discussions:

* It appears pretty widespread that most lay persons thoink that teachers get paid during the summer for not working. We all know that it is our money being pro-rated across the 12 months.Are we under -payed? over-payed?

* Do our teacher unions aim to protect us in earnest?

*We discussed the importance of writing, re-writing, drafting revising, editing and finally publishing. We all agreed that that the practice and experience of writing makes for a more proficient writer.

* The use of Six ways to get feedback on writing:
Read your work aloud twice
Don't defend your work
Take notes on what others tell you.
Ask questions to clarify what others say.
Thank people for their comments
Never apologize for the piece you are going to read.

*Coaching vs. Judging
We discussed what category we were more comfortable performing. Coaching probably presents a larger challenge.

*Rhode Island Writing Project generously offered us a pleasant luncheon, welcoming all the participants of the writing project. Very nice! Thanks!


  1. Thanks for the recap, Susan. Sorry I had to miss lunch. Anyone who knows me would fully realize that I was not feeling well when I was unable to attend a free luncheon. See you tomorrow.

  2. Sorry I didn't get to post anything yesterday. I have really been knocked down by some sort of strange summer virus, but I can feel things turning around as of late this afternoon. Great way to start yesterday and another good day today. I think we have a good mix of people who possess good communication skills. I think we have all been in groups where people talk too long, talk over one another, etc., but this seems to be a nice group. I am looking forward to the rest of the class. Thank you.

  3. Well done Susan! Next step--Facebook! Then your own YouTube video!

  4. The only reason you didn't have that person who talks to long is because I had to leave! Seriously, though, it looks like I missed a good conversation about getting feedback on writing.

  5. Concerning pay- at the upper steps, I think our pay is about right. We do get great benefits (mostly) and I love my job. BUT, beginning teachers get paid nothing, and the general impression for people choosing a career is that teachers don't make very much, unless of course we are being attacked by non-teachers for making too much. My neighbor's daughter enters URI next year and is torn between teaching and becoming a pharmacist. Her dad is pushing her to pharmacy, since in that field she'll start on a pay rate that takes most teachers 10 years to achieve.
